
Vadzim Antonau

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About Me

I have studied programming since primary school (Basic, Pascal, Delphi). I got my first job as a Software Engineer after my graduation in 2011. I have developed and supported some Lotus Notes applications in my first year. I have become web developer after that. I didn’t finish any courses I learned all by myself. We have used PHP for backend and HTML, CSS, jQuery for frontend at the begining.


Code Example

Isograms KATA from CODEWARS: An isogram is a word that has no repeating letters, consecutive or non-consecutive. Implement a function that determines whether a string that contains only letters is an isogram. Assume the empty string is an isogram. Ignore letter case.

function isIsogram(str){
  return str == '' || !str.toLowerCase().split('').some(function(v,i,a){
    return a.lastIndexOf(v)!=i;

Work Experience

